Introduction: Filet a Watermelon

About: I kind of get in to everything. Games, computers, outdoors, cuisine, all the way to getting my hands dirty on some old machine (except cars. I HATE working on cars!). To tell you the truth, I love tinkering! …

Step 1: Halve the Melon

Step 2: Decide the Thickness

Step 3: Cut the Filet

Step 4: Skin the Slice

Step 5: Leave Feedback

There's much you can do with the filet, I'm baking mine as I wrote this. My wife cut hers in to smaller slices and ate them raw. You could probably skin a watermelon first (as seen on my other instructable) and filet like that. In hindsight it's probably easier that way... Hmmm...

Anyway, leave a vote on your way out, please and thank you!
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Participated in the
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Ferrous Chef: Watermelon

Participated in the
Ferrous Chef: Watermelon