Introduction: Finding a Lost TV Remote With Arduino & Bluetooth

About: i'm a Arduino programer beginner

Finding a Lost Television remote
very simple circuit and the code is so simple , just using Arduino Nano with Bluetooth module and small buzzer with battery booster from 3.7v to 5v , and i have create an app in MIT App Inventor ,

* you can connect your remote to the same buttery and It will save you a lot of money you spend it on Non rechargeable batteries working on it to make it so small and very cheap , I'm thinking to use ATtiny85 .

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Step 1: Schematic Diagram & Component

  • Arduino Nano .
  • Bluetooth module H05 .
  • Rechargeable battery 3.7v .
  • battery booster .
  • Buzzer .

Step 2: Coding

Step 3: Creating Phone App

I'm using MIT APP Inventor to create my app

Step 4: Unscrew the Remote Control & Place the Circle Inside the Remote

Step 5: Use the App to Find the Remote