Introduction: Fishing Hook for Survivalkit - Pop Tab

About: I live in Denmark, and i will show you how to make things for survival, art, awesomeness, and much more! Check it out! ??
This is a mini fishing hook i made for my survival kit, because its so small, and it fits in every survival kit. Its not turn out so Well, but you can make yours better.

Step 1: You Will Need

A pop tab
Something that can cut the metal
Someshing that can bend the metal

Step 2: Cut!

The red lines show you where to cut!

Step 3: Bend!

The blue line show you where to bend!

Step 4: Clean!

Clean it up so it looks nice, maybe make it a little bit sharper!

Step 5: Done!

Hello, my name is DanishMaker. I make some survival things you can use in survival situtations, follow me if you want more survival thing, or check my other totorials!
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squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel

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Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel