Introduction: Flappy Bird Game With ESP32 and SH1106 Oled Display

About: Hi, im Deniz. Im 15 years old and im from Turkey 🇹🇷. In this blog I show you step by step how to make interesting projects. I am interested in electronics, coding and 3D models. Please support me, don't forget…
Hi, today we will design our own game with esp32



-SH1106 oled display



Step 1: Screen


VCC > 3v3

SCL > D22

SDA > D21

Step 2: Button and Buzzer

Buzzer: positive pole to D23, negative to GND.

Button: GND and D4

Step 3: Coding

You need to download this file and open with Arduino IDE. If you are encode the ESP32, you must hold down the BOOT button.

Step 4: Done!