Introduction: Folding World Record Paper Airplane
Today we will be learning how to fold the World Record paper airplane the flew for about 226ft made by John Collins.
Desk/ any kind of table, some regular notebook paper, and your hands!
Step 1: Fold the Paper Diagonally on Each Side to Make an “X”
Step 2: Take the Right-hand Edge, Just From the Creased Corner Down to Where This Crease Meets the End of the Page, and Lay It Against the Diagonal Fold.
Step 3: Repeat on Both Sides
Step 4: Fold Down the Top Part of the Airplane to Match the Creases From the 1st Layer to the 2nd Layer
red is the top layer and blue being the bottom line these up to the best of your ability.
Step 5: Fold in the Top Left and Right Corners to Meet Along the Crease in the Middle.
Step 6: Next Take the Flap Between the Now Folded Corners and Fold It Up Over Those Two Corners.
Step 7: Leaving the Flap on the Bottom Fold the Plane in Half.
You are lining up the top left corner of the plane, don't worry about lining up the wings exactly
Step 8: Fold Down the Edge of the Wing Until the Bottom Part of the Wing Hangs Slightly Below the Bottom of the Plane.
Step 9: Repeat on Both Sides to Match Each Other
Step 10: Put a Slight Bend in the Back Outside Corner on Both Wings for Some Extra Lift. But Be Sure Not to Create a Crease in the Paper.
At this point you have completed your airplane! Now you are the pilot on your next flight!