Introduction: Forgotten Woolen Shawl

About: Professionally, I'm an English/Russian teacher. I love teaching, needlework and dancing. If you're interested in any more ideas for knitting and crocheting, visit my blog: O…
I crocheted this shawl a long time ago, and discovered it recently at my parents' home. I thought it was worth sharing it :)

I used my mother's old woolen sweater to crochet this shawl wrap - first I unraveled the sweater and then started crocheting following a pattern from a local magazine. The shawl is worked from the lower corner upward so that it forms a triangle. After finishing the shawl, I attached long fringe. Since I don't have the magazine with me anymore, I started working on the pattern myself, and as soon as I draw it and write it completely, I'll share it with the public. In the meantime, you can find some more patterns and ideas on my blog: