Introduction: Frankenstein Rice Crispy Treats

Have fun!

Step 1:

Gather your materials. You need 1 bag of mini marshmallows, 3 tbsp of butter, and 6 cups of rice crispy treats.

Step 2:

Take your stick of butter and a knife, then cut along the 3 tbsp line.

Step 3:

Cut open your marshmallows so they are ready to go in the pot.

Step 4:

Get out a pan from the cupboard and put it on the stove.

Put your 3 tbsp of butter in your pan and turn the heat on low.

Step 5:

Pour 6 cups of rice crispy cereal into a bowl, ready to pour into the pan.

Step 6:

Once the butter is dissolved, pour in your bag of mini marshmallows.

Step 7:

Stir the rice crispy's into the melted marshmallows.

Step 8:

Once everything is mixed together put the rice crispy treats onto a cookie sheet and flatten them to the desired thickness.

Step 9:

Use melted chocolate to decorate the top of the treat. You can use whatever colors and make whatever kind of design you wish. I did Frankenstein.

Step 10:

Store your treats in a gallon size bag to keep them fresh and share with your friends!