Introduction: Friendship Sleeve-bracelet With Arduino Lilypad
It is a conceptual design of friendship bracelet-sleeve.
That provides to communicate for friends with the lights inside of the bracelet.
If you remember or miss your friend, just write a text like "i miss you" . And the light of the friend's bracelet will be on.
You can make it and gift it to your besties.
I designed diagram of lilypad components on coffee cup sleeve template and bracelet.
But i am not very good at arduino things. so this project needs a code and a professional look.
So, i suggest you to improve that design together.
looking for your comments.
If you want to learn how i thought and developed that idea, you can have a look at here.
Step 1: Research and Concept Development
Step 2: Concept
Step 3: Usage and Concept of the Bracelet
Step 4: Materials
1)Lilypad Arduino Usb
2)Lilypad Led
3)Lilypad Coin Cell Battery
5)Lilypad Xbee
6)Conductive Thread
7)Cell Battery
Template for sleeve
Step 5: Diagram of Arduino Components
Lay out your components as shown below.
After that start sewing with conductive thread according to diagram.