Introduction: Galette a La Maison : Buckwheat Crepes in Traditional French Style
A galette is a thin pancake (crepe) made with buckwheat flour usually with a savory filling. This recipe follows the traditional style of making these crepes which I learnt from the locals of the Brittany region of France.
Step 1: Buckwheat (called Ble Noir or Sarrasin in French)
Buckwheat is not related to wheat rather is related to sorrel, knotweed and rhubarb. The seeds are rich in complex carbohydrates and being non-grass it is a pseudocereal.The buckwheat for my galettes came from a well-known bakery the Boulangerie Guillou of Roscoff in the Brittany region. However any buckwheat will be good enough for your perfect galettes.
Step 2: Ingredients (for 10 Galettes)
Buckwheat flour (sarrasin) : 500 grams
Egg : 1
Salted Butter : 125 grams
Honey : 2 tablespoons
Salt : 1 1/2 teaspoons
Blackpepper : 1/2 teaspoon
Water : 4 1/2 cup (for the batter) + 1/2 cup (pour pouring before resting)
Step 3: Season the Buckwheat With Salt and Pepper.
Step 4: Crack the Egg in the Middle.
Step 5: Add 1 Cup of Water.
Step 6: Mix Slowly the Batter With the Help of Your Hand
(in Brittany it is traditionally done with hands).
Step 7: Add the Rest 3 1/2 Cups of Water Slowly and Mix the Batter in Between.
Step 8: Add the Honey and Mix Well.
I used organic mountain honey which also helped give a darker color to the galettes.
Step 9: Slowly Add 1/2 Cup of Water Without Stirring the Batter.
Step 10: The Water Should Remain Separated From the Batter As Shown in the Picture.
Step 11: Cover It With Aluminum Foil and Rest for at Least 3.5 Hours.
Step 12: After 3.5 Hours Mix the Batter Well. the Final Consistency Should Be Like This.
Step 13: Take a Non Stick Pan and Butter It Well. Let the Pan Heat Uniformly.
Step 14: Pour One Cup of Batter and Swirl the Pan Swiftly to Make a Thin Layer.
Step 15: Making the Galette
Let it cook for 30 seconds. Add a teaspoon of butter on it and cook for 1 minute. Then turn the side and cook for another minute. The galette should be ready. This step shown explicitly in the following video.
Step 16: The Galette Jambon-fromage
Galettes are eaten as the main course and are filled with sausages, ham etc. The most common galette in France has cheese and ham for the filling and is called the “jambon-fromage”. Another popular type is called the “complet” which has an egg topping on the jambon-fromage. Here I made the common “jambon fromage” and because I am not a fan of egg toppings, I rather topped my galette with the famous sweet onions of Roscoff. So here is the recipe for making your perfect galettes.