Introduction: Garden Bench Build
I am still lacking a lot of garden furniture, so building it myself.
This took about 2 1/2 3.6 metre scaffold boards to build. cut list below.
This was another fun and quick build. completely customisable how you want, and comfortable.
Power Drill
2" outdoor screws, get a box, you'll use a few.
Circular Saw
Compound Mitre Saw
Cut List
I used Reclaimed Scaffold Boards. These were 1.5" Thick, 9" Wide. These were 12.8ft in length.
For the Back and Seat i cut 5 lengths of 43"
For the Sides i cut 2 lengths of 47" and 2 lengths of 25"
For the Armrests 2 lengths of 18"
For the supports i used offcuts from the viking stargazing seat project. The supports were 1.5" x 1.5". i expect any 2x stock could be ripped down to size.
The supports were 2x 26" for the back of the seat 4x 16" for the side piece supports 2x 10" for the side piece supports 2x 14" for supporting under the arms
Step 1: Step 1: Cutting Everything
Measure and Cut all of your boards and support from the cut list.
This was a really quick part of the process
Step 2: Step 2: Build the Back Support
First thing to build is the back support
Grab a three of the 43" pieces you cut along with 2 of the 26" support pieces.
I used 2 screws per board per support
When you have done this, put it aside.
Step 3: Step 3: the Sides
Grab the 47" and 25" lengths.
and the 16" and 10" support pieces.
Measure up from the bottom of the boards by 18" and mark.
This will be where you put the top support, and what the bench pieces will be screwed to.
Install the 10" down piece and screw in each side
and then the bottom support.
Step 4: Step 4: the Bench
Find some suitable supports to lean the Side pieces on and get two of the 43" lengths.
Screw the first one in flush with the front, and the second in behind it.
Step 5: Step 5: the Back Support
Now drop the back support in.
At the top of the bench make sure the back piece is set flush with the back, and screw in the top.
At the bottom, bring the back in by about 1.5"-2" to create a small lean. Screw it in from the side.
I used 2 screws per board in the side
I then flipped the bench and threw a few screws in the bottom for good measure.
Step 6: Step 6: Armrests and Sides
The armrests are cut out of 2 18" lengths of board.
I measured against the side and cut out enough to bring the edge flush with the inside.
In the end i used 2x 14" supports on the sides, underneath the arms to provide more support.
I then cut out a shape, just to be a bit fancy, but leave enough space for a beer.
As i sat there checking that it felt ok, i thought the need for a cutout in the side was required for a more comfortable arm lean.
I also curved over the top edges of the sides.
Step 7: Step 7: Stain the Bench
I sanded to 120 grit all the way around. this might be something you want to do before putting anything together but it's really up to you.
I used an antique mahogany dye to stain the bench and then went over with a mahogany wax from briwax.
This is a completely optional step.
Step 8: Step 8: Enjoy
That's your bench done.
Crack open a beer or non alcoholic beverage and kick back in your creation.
I hope you enjoyed this instructable.
Any question or feedback, i'm always happy to help.