Introduction: Ghastly Grins

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It only takes a moment to compose these ghastly grins with peanut butter and apples.

Like a Cheshire Cat's smile, these ghosties have disappeared, leaving only their mysterious grins behind! What can you do but devour them?

Step 1: Ingredients

It only takes
  • apples
  • peanut butter (smooth is best)
  • mini marshmallows or white chocolate chips
to compose these toothsome treats!

Step 2: Assembly

Slice and core your apples.

Spread one side of each slice with peanut butter.

Top with teeth and sandwich together.

Step 3: Grin & Bear It

It's time to show off your ghastliest grins.

Have fun with different arrangement of teeth or by carving lip shapes.

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest