Introduction: Ghost Behind a Window

About: My short attention span pushes me to try new crafts on an almost weekly basis. But I tend not to write most of them down...because short attention span

This little instructable will probably take around 2 minutes to make. Create a little scene of a ghost peering through a window frame.

Awesome for any scrap craft material.

Step 1: The Material

You will need the following to get started:

1. White paper

2. A black pen

3. Scissors

4. Black craft foam (thin)

5. 6x Popsicle sticks

6. Glue (I used a hot glue gun)

Step 2: Step 2: the Ghost

Draw a little ghost on the white paper, using the black pen.

My kid drew one as can be seen in the photo. Perfect size is just over half the length of a Popsicle stick.

Cut out the little ghost and put it aside.

Step 3: Start the Frame

Glue a Popsicle stick to the bottom of the craft foam.

Measure the height for the top of the frame by placing another Popsicle stick on the left side. (Don't glue this one.

Glue the top frame Popsicle stick.

Place the ghost at a spot of your choosing, and glue it down.

Step 4: Finish It Off

Finish the scene by hot gluing the middle cross bar (Popsicle), and then going left to right, glue the vertical bars down.

Add decorations to your pleasing.

I let the glue gun run on purpose to create some spider webs across the frame.


Quick and easy.