Introduction: Giant Tissue Flowers- Easy and Fast to Make

Giving someone a flower is an easy way to say how much you love someone or to say thank you.  Giving someone a GIANT FLOWER screams I LOVE YOU-THANKS FOR BEING YOU!

Tissue paper flowers used to be an integral part of celebrations, strings of flowers hung from the ceiling, wedding cars were festooned with hundreds of flowers, flowers, flowers , flowers everywhere.  They are inexpensive, quick, fun and easy to make.


Colored tissue paper- ( 3 packs of 24 sheets from the dollar store)

Stick glue

Yarn or string

Step 1: Giant Squares

Glue 4 sheets of the same colored tissue paper into a giant square. Repeat for all sheets in the package. 

Step 2: Stack the Squares

Stack all of the giant squares

Step 3: Fan Fold

Fan fold or accordion fold all layers together. This is a little tricky because of the size, a partner is nice but it can be done by one person.

Step 4: Tie

Tie a tight loop around the center

Step 5: Lift the Petals

Carefully lift and pull each sheet of tissue paper to the center, repeat for both sides

Step 6: Deliver Happiness

Fluff and give to someone special or use decorate for a fabulous party.

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