Introduction: Glidebot
We're creating climbing robots. Here's a chance to watch a robot glide and come up with all kinds of predictions and theories on how and why the robot can move this way.
- Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Tape
- Ruler
- Drinking straw cut into 1 1/2" pieces
- String, fishing line, or thin yarn
- Two pony beads in any color
- Colored cardstock
- Optional: Brass Fasteners
Step 1: Optional: Print Template
Here's the template to print for easy cut and color. Tip: Printing on cardstock keeps your robot sturdy.
Step 2: Gather All Materials
Step 3: Cut the Bot Body Shapes
Take the colored cardstock and begin to cut out the body of the robot. Follow the measurements below:
1 1/2" x 1 1/2"
1" x 2/8"
Arms (2)
1 1/2" x 1/2"
3" x 3 1/4"
Legs (2)
1 1/2" x 3/4"
Step 4: Assemble the Bot
Place all the bot body pieces where they should be. Then tape the all the bot pieces together to assemble the robot.
Step 5: Bring the Bot to Life
Color the robot with markers, crayons, or colored pencils. For more of a creative flair, add other items like paper clips, toothpicks, smaller pieces of paper, beads, tacks, pom poms, or whatever can be found in the house.
Step 6: Add Straws to the Back
Take the two 1.5 inch pieces of straw and tape them onto the back of the robot. Make sure they're a good equal distance apart.
Step 7: Thread the String
Take a piece of string about 4 feet long and thread both ends through the two straw pieces so that a giant loop forms above the robot.
Step 8: Tie a Bead
Tie a pony bead onto each end of the string to keep the string from coming out of the straw pieces.
Step 9: Hook the Bot
Hang the gliding robot onto a doorknob or from the ceiling.
Step 10: Watch It Glide
Grab one bead in each hand and pull out and away from the robot.