Introduction: Gopro Water Bottle Mount

About: Im here and I make stuff

In this instructable I will be creating a water bottle mount for Gopro out of u mold plastic.

Step 1: Prep the U Mold

For this step you're going to need to heat your u mold as you would normally. I'm going to be using a bowl for this but you can use whatever you want.

Step 2: Molding

For this step you will need
bottle cap
prepped u mold

After your u mold is ready you will make it into a block then press your gopro into the bottom. Then you will put some u mold around the bottle cap and press it into the bottom. MAKE SURE YOUR GOPRO IS LEVEL BEFORE IT DRYS. Also make sure not to get u mold into the bottle cap

Step 3: Finishing

Once your u mold is dry remove the gopro. And to use the mount simply fill a bottle of water screw on the cap and record! I've found this useful for time-lapse.

Step 4: Other Improvements

This is just what you could do to improve upon this. Perhaps you could make a lens cap or maybe and a velcro strap around the Gopro so its more secure. Thank you all for viewing have a Dolphin-y Day!