Introduction: Greetings at the Dog Park Bandana
Make it easy for your dog to introduce himself with this quick bandana!
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
Here's what you'll need for this project:
- Bandana
- Iron
- Iron on letters
- Scissors
Step 2: Prepare Your Bandana
Wash, dry and iron your bandana. Washing and drying the bandana will take care of any shrinkage the fabric may experience when new, as well as remove any extra dye or reside and make the banadana softer.
Iron all wrinkles out of the bandana to get a nice smooth surface for applying your letters.
Step 3: Choose and Cut Letters
Select the letters you'd like to use, and cut them out of the sheet (if you're using that type of iron on letter). Be sure to leave the clear plastic coating on the letters if if you're using the sheet style.
Step 4: Align Letters
Lay out and align your letters the way you like.
Step 5: Iron on Letters
Iron on letters according to your package directions. This package called for at least 60 seconds of hot iron, followed by time to cool.
Step 6: Peel Off Coating
Once your letters have cooled, peel off the clear plastic top coating. This will leave the letter intact on your fabric, but remove the clear top and frosted edges.
Step 7: Time for Wears!
Put the bandana on your dog - time to head to the park to meet some new friends!