Introduction: Gyroscope Controlled Robot
Hello everyone
Today i am going to make that can be controlled via mobile phone gyroscope.we are using bluetooth as connecting medium.
let's start............
Step 1: Things You Will Need
2 motors and wheels.
1 caster wheel.
screw driver.
A arduino Uno.
A motor driving IC Module.
power pin.
Some 1-2-1 connectors.
Step 2: Assembly
Now assemble motors to chassis by the help of screws and also fit caster wheel.
it's so easy.
Step 3: Electronics
now connect motors pins to motor driving pin and connect arduino pins to motor driving IC's input.
now take HC-05(Bluetooth) and connect Vcc and GND to HC-05 and connect:
Rx pin bluetooth=>Tx pin arduino
Tx pin bluetooth=>Rx pin arduino.
Now all assembly is ready.
Step 4: Programming
just upload give code to arduino using arduino IDE.
Step 5: Controlling
Now download a app called "Bluetooth RC control" from playstore and connect app to HC-05.
now in app open setting=>connect to call=>HC-05.
Now when to tilt mobile robot will respond accordingly.