Introduction: Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

"Donburi" can be translated literally as "held in a bowl". It is about presenting one's culinary art in one bowl, in one harmony. Gyudon (beef bowl) is the most staple dish among the traditional donburi dishes, enjoyed by many people across the world every day. Here, I present you this easy to follow Instructable to help you find your harmony inside the bowl!

Step 1: Materials

The materials used in guydon is very simple, they are:

  • beef flanks
  • egg
  • onion and/or scallion
  • kombu dashi
  • mirin
  • soy sauce
  • sugar

Step 2: Cutting Prep

  • Slice beef as thin as possible
  • slice onion into rings
  • chop one scallion along the center
  • (also, start rice cooker)

Step 3: Braising (Part 1)

  • In a deep pan, mix kombu dashi with mirin, soy sauce, sugar/salt, and water; (adjust according to taste)
  • Put in onions and cook for 1 minute;
  • Place in beef and scallion, loosen up the meat quickly.

Step 4: Braising (Part 2)

  • Set heat to high to get it boiling. In the mean time, skim out the blood foams from the pan.
  • reduce to simmering heat, close lid and cook for 15 minutes
  • open lid and start reducing.

Step 5: Reducing and Cooking the Egg

  • As you reduce the sauce at medium heat, crack an egg and place in the center
  • in 3-5 minutes, the egg will have solidified and the liquid level will be just right.

Step 6: Putting It Together

  • Grab a bowl of rice
  • transfer beef and egg on top, try not to disturb the egg.
  • sprinkle a bit of sesame seeds or garnish with scallion.
  • Serve well hot!

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017