Introduction: HX1230 Monochrome LCD in Arduino Projects


  • any Arduino
  • HX1230 96x68 pixel LCD (also known as Nokia 1202, STE2007)
  • a few wires

Step 1: Connections

  1. RST to D6 or any digital
  2. CE to D7 or any digital
  3. N/C
  4. DIN to D11/MOSI
  5. CLK to D13/SCK
  6. VCC to 3.3V
  7. BL to 3.3V or via resistor to any digital pin
  8. GND to GND

Connections are similar to Nokia 5110 LCD and most of SPI displays. The only difference is that there is no DC (data/command) pin. This information is sent via 9-bit SPI.

LCD works best at 3.3V, 5V is safe too but requires changes in contrast settings. The easiest way is to use Arduino Pro Mini powered from 3.3V source.

Step 2: Comparison to Nokia 5110 LCD

HX1230 is advertised as Nokia 5110 LCD replacement. This is not entirely true because HX1230 has different controller/command set and requires other library

Advantages of HX1230:

  • much smaller display PCB but screen size is almost the same
  • no zebra strip, display is soldered to PCB
  • little higher resolution 96x68 vs 84x48
  • better aspect ratio, pixels are square
  • only 1 LED used for backlight
  • 1 wire less required to connect it to MCU (no DC pin)
  • usually cheaper than N5110 - $1.60 vs $1.80

Step 3: Arduino Software

Prepared 2 different libraries:

Watch next step video to check libraries features

Step 4: Watch the Video


  • proportional fonts support built-in (requires fonts from PropFonts library
  • simple primitives (pixels,lines,rectangles,filled rectangles,circles,filled circles,triangles,filled triangles)
  • fast ordered dithering (17 patterns)
  • ultra fast horizontal and vertical line drawing
  • bitmaps drawing
  • many example programs