Introduction: Hair Flower Clips of Camellia

The tutorial is about how to make a hair clip today. Girls wear hair clips to decorate their hair. The hair clips have many patterns, while hair flower clip is what I will make.

The kind of hair flower clips of the lesson is camellia, which has the efficacy of medicine. Camellia is loved by numerous people. Now I will show you how to make a flower hair clip of camellia.

Step 1: Step 1: Prepare the Ribbons and Fold

Cut the ribbons to the sizes required above. Fold one piece in a right angle; fold again backward. Glue the inner side of the triangle to make a leaf shape.

Step 2: Step 2: Make the Flower Shape

Do the same to make the pieces to leaf shapes, leaving one as it is. Seam five leaves to make a flower, a big flower and a small one.

Step 3: Step 3: the Ending Work

Sew the long piece to a curved shape; then tie it to a small pistil. Lay the three flowers with biggest below and smallest up. Sew big leaves with two per side and place them under the flowers. Add a clip at the back.