Introduction: Half-life Dog(early Version)

About: i'm a normal tinkercad user at south korea ( and i joined instructables because a lot of people's been doing this and i really like all those complicated DIY…

in this project, i'll show you how you can make a detailed, early version Dog from half-life: alyx.


you will need:

a small(redish-orange)thermos


glue gun


cardboard(or some stiff paper from boxes)


a laser pointer with a white light

Step 1: Print Out the Body Parts

i had a short amount of time to complete this project, so i ended up scrapping the 3D printing idea. what i eventually settled on was to print out a picture on a normal printer, and paste it to cardboard and scissor it out. download(or screenshot the picture above and print it out on a A4 paper(make it big as you can).

Step 2: Glue and Cut Down

now that we're done with the print, get a big, decent piece of cardboard(or a stiff piece of paper) and stick the picture above it using paste. make sure the paste covers the whole under-side. when you're done, cut all the parts out with a pair of scissors.

Step 3: The Main Body

for the main body, get a redish-orange thermos and hot glue the finished body parts at the right postions. save up the head and neck part for later, for now we only need the legs.

Step 4: The Eye

now for the final step: the head(and the neck)! poke a hole at the black spot at the neck and the head frame, and hot glue it together(make sure the holes are connected). glue a small laser pointer with a white light(facing the hole), and glue the rest of the head(those metallic leaf things)on the head frame. to give it more detail, i folded up the neck a few times.

Step 5: Done!

it's done! it really looks great for a rushed model. maybe i'll do a another valve-themed project next time...

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