Introduction: Hand Lettering on Glass


Looking for a fun and easy project to do with supplies you may already have on hand? Need a little inspirational quote or a motivational artwork to brighten up a window in your house? Do you like the look of fancy hand lettering, but think you do not have the best handwriting or are not creative enough? This project will help you design something the looks fancy but is really super simple.


  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Liquid chalk markers (multiple colors if desired)
  • Window/ glass
  • Printed artwork/ Lettering
  • Window cleaner/ Paper towel

Step 1: Gather Supplies & Prep Artwork

For the first step of this project, you´ll want to find a window or piece of glass you want to use to create your artwork on. Then you will want to clean the window with glass cleaner and paper towel. Next, you will want to gather your tools/supplies, tape, scissors, chalk markers (water-based if you want to be able to remove your artwork at some point) and paper towel.

To select your artwork you can either create an original layout on the computer and print it out OR find artwork on the web. You can use any fonts, lettering or design you want or a combination of several pieces of artwork, as you will be tracing the artwork yourself.

For my example project, I pulled a Nelson Mandella quote layout from I enlarged the artwork on the computer to be the size I wanted it to fit the window space I had selected to use. I printed it on two pieces of 8.5x11 paper.

Step 2: Set Up Template

Cut your printed artwork with scissors to make strips for your desired spacing. Then determine if you want your artwork to face into the house or outside the house. If you want the artwork to face inside, go outside and tape your artwork template to the window, so you can read it correctly from the inside or vise versa for artwork facing outside. Double-check you are happy with the placement of your artwork/template BEFORE you get started. Now youĺl be ready to start making your design.

Step 3: Draw & Trace the Lettering

Now that you have your template set up you can start the tracing!! Before you get started youĺl want to map out or plan which colors and in which order you will want your colors to go. You will need to follow the instructions on your chalk markers and get them ready to use. You will probably need to shake the marker and prime the marker tip. Now you are going to want to place the marker on the window and trace the template.

DESIGNER NOTE: If you are right-handed it is suggested you go left to right to not mess up your artwork. If you are left-handed you want to work right to left.

Be sure to take your time and be patient with yourself. If you make a mistake you can always wipe off the chalk with the paper towel you have handy. Qtips are helpful for the itsy-bitsy smudges that you want to get off. Remember this is supposed to be fun! There are NO mistakes just happy accidents.

You can stick to the template or do your own thing. Once the template is removed no one will know exactly what the original artwork looked like.

Step 4: Take Off the Template

Yay youŕe finished! Now you just need to take down the template from the backside of the window/glass. You can clean up any smudges or extra marks you see once the template is removed.

DESIGNER NOTE: You can tape up a blank sheet of paper behind your artwork to help you see any edits needed after you have taken down the template.

Lastly, snap a photo and show your friends what you´ve made!