Introduction: Hand-wash Timer

Since we are now encountering the coronavirus, we need to make protection. Washing hand is one of the essential prevention. However, many people didn't know the accurate time of washing hands. Therefore, I create a hand wash timer, to help people. This timer has sound and color which is easy for use. My project is based on this website. However, I made two changes which are changing blue LED to white LED and I add a speaker on the timer.


  • Arduino
  • 1 Red LED
  • 4 White LED
  • 1 Green LED
  • Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • Speaker
  • Bread

Step 1: Step 1: Connected the Wires on the Breadboard

Place all the materials into there specific position on the breadboard.

Step 2: Step 2: Upload the Code

Copy the code.

Step 3: Step 3: Decorate the Machine

Step 4: Step: Finish!