Introduction: Liftable Hanging Planters

The goal is to make a planter which is applicable for all wheelchair users and to provide a better ergonomic height for personal suitability, even without wheelchair.

What you need

Also visit the tutorial on Behance!

This instructable is in collaboration with
Simon Jackson
Simon Boury
Jeroen Van Belleghem
Joeri Boi (myself)

Step 1: Planter Crates

We used these crates we made earlier HERE.
The connection, the holders, as well the hanging system are completely made of rope, providing a uniform design.

Step 2: Support System

Make a support structure that can hold at least 100kg in total. This can be part of your roof, or any skeletal structure you can easily build yourself providing the right materials.
In our case, the roof structure happened to be a steel profile. We wouldn't drill in the profiles, so we created an extra profile which the roofing profile can support. It is advised to use 4mm thick steel to hold at least 100kg of plants.

Step 3: Pulleys

Now we have the support system (any kind), manage to attach 2 pulleys on the support system at a distance of around 2 meters from each other, this doesn't have to be exact.

In our case, we drilled 2 holes through our metal profiles we made, and used pulleys with a hooking mechanism

Step 4: Balancing

In order for this system to work, we need 3 planters in total. To be exact; 2 small planters and 1 bigger planter. The 2 smaller planters together should have the same weight as the big planter.

Step 5: Roping

Make a support structure that can hold at least 100kg in total. This can
be part of your roof, or any skeletal structure you can easily build yourself providing the right materials. In our case, the roof structure happened to be a steel profile. We wouldn't drill in the profiles, so we created an extra profile which the roofing profile can support. It is advised to use 4mm thick steel to hold at least 100kg of plants.

Step 6: Filling

Fill the planters with soil and start farming. Pull up or pull down the planters to your own ergonomic height. Happy gardening!