Introduction: Happy Wife Happy Life Travel Kit

I put this kit together originally because my wife and I live in DC and a lot of our family are in New England. It's about a nine hour drive, and there are times when its more tense than others. This kits was designed to satisfy basic munchy needs, as well as more feminine specific requirements. All in all, its gone over very well.

Step 1: The Travel Case

I wanted the kit to be easily transportable and obvious to remember when packing.

Step 2: The Munchies

My wife is wonderful, beautiful, and fun. But she an get a little cranky when hungry. I decided to pack an assortment of comfort snacks and drinks to appeal to her appetites. I included a wide selection of chocolate with various flavors. For the hot chocolate and teas, I have to remember to bring hot water in a travel mug, or plan stops at various locations for some (most places will give hot water without charge if you ask).

Step 3: Other Requirements

For other...more feminine specific requirements...I included an array of items from tissues for tears, ibuprofen for pains, a heating pad with an adaptor for the car, an inflatable plane pillow, and other necessary products.

Step 4: The Mood

I top it all off by including a cd of favorite music, or an ipod loaded with a specific playlist.

Voila...a happier life...


If you liked this, I've entered it into a few contests. Thanks

Glovebox Gadget Challenge

Participated in the
Glovebox Gadget Challenge