Introduction: Hashtags

The following project was made as a part of our DD203 course, under the guidance of Prof. Pankaj Upadhyay.

The aim was to design a lamp using any material of our choice. A two day deadline was set, with a total of 6 workshop working hours. The project was done by a group of three.( Purvish Shah, Nakul Kasture, Arpit Jain)

The team spent 3-4 hours in finalizing the design and the material for the lamp. The initial inspiration for making the lamp was the concept of implied lines which we had learned a few weeks before taking up the project. The design of the final lamp did undergo changes, but the final product was submitted keeping in mind the user experience. In the initial design, the hashtags( the name given by Pankaj Sir to the wooden frames of lamp) were stuck together to give a rigid design, but in the submitted product, the hashtags are presented as separate entities so that the users can change its shape as per they want. That will be like having a new lamp everyday and a boost to their creativity as well. We have listed the steps, hope you like the lamp.

Step 1: Material Selection and Cutting

The material we took for the assignment is wood. It was instructed that we define one purpose of the lamp and we chose our lamp to be elegant. We had in mind that wood when varnished gives a rich look with yellow light. We took a block of wood and cut it using hand saw. We moved ahead with the design assuming we would get the required pieces of wood already cut into desired width and all we would have to work on was equal length, but our assumptions made us realize that before finalizing the material, first thing one has to check for is its availability in the desired shape and form. It took us 2 hourse to get the block of wood into desired width. Soon we started working on equal lengths. The dimension of the block were decided as 20cms length, 2.5 cms breadth and 1 cm height. There was no particular reason of choosing the above mentioned lengths, we kept our design flexible to available materials.

One thing we kept in mind while cutting equal lengths was to leave extra 5mm because we had to plane the wood pieces as well.

We first made one piece of above dimensions and kept it as our S.I Unit for the rest of the pieces

Step 2: Planing

The wooden surfaces need planing before they are varnished and hence we used the sander machine to achieve the task. We had a total of 36 pieces and hence doing it individually was time consuming, so we decided to do them in sets of 6. We used a G-Clamp to hold them together. This way planing was done within an hour. We first achieved the desire size by planing the S.I Unit and then kept the S.I Unit on top of the stack. This way we had a reference while planing.

Step 3: Making the Hashtags

Equal lengths of pieces would only give meaning when they are made into an accurate square frame. We used a try square and joined the two pieces along its sides. This was we had a right angle and we continued it for the rest of the pieces. We hammered the two pieces and also used glue as reinforcement. Once, we had the piecses into square frame we stacked them to see the rough versio of our product.

Step 4: Final Touches

Hashtags were then varnished and yellow bulb was used as light source. We also cut a 1mm thick PVC sheet to cover the top to control the brightness of the lamp.

The possible designs of the lamp are shown along, rest are upto the user's creativity. We believe that hashtags are nothing less than lego blocks.

We thank Prof. Pankaj Upadhay for guiding us throughout the project.

Thank you for watching!

Wood Contest 2016

Participated in the
Wood Contest 2016

Lamps and Lighting Contest 2016

Participated in the
Lamps and Lighting Contest 2016