Introduction: Hidden Book Switch

This is a great idea seen in many films and I tried to make it real. It's really simple to make and also small to fit in a bookshelf or any other surface.

The idea came a few months ago when I wanted a hidden button to interact with a micro:bit project. It didn't work that well and the design made the switch too obvious. I revisited the idea tho, when I mounted a LED strip in my room and I wanted a cool way to turn the lights on. The new design came out so much better and hidden so I decided to use it that time because the cable ended near a little shelve besides my desk.

It's still a bit obvious if you've seen this instructable but it's a cool way to open lights and impress your friends!


  • A book (you can easily change it at any time)
  • Pull switch
  • Bookmark (you may ruin the bookmark in the process so don't take your favorite one)
  • Thin rope
  • Hot glue (I forgot to add that in the picture)

The self is only for demonstration. You can put this everywhere you want

Step 1:

Open a little hole in the bookmark or find another way to attach the rope to it.

Step 2:

Tie the other end of the rope to the switch.

Step 3:

Glue the switch vertically on the shelf (or any surface you want your book on)

Step 4:

The book is now ready to use! You can attach any circuit to the switch. For demonstration i added a simple LED strip with a battery pack.

Books and Bookshelves Contest

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Books and Bookshelves Contest