Introduction: Holiday Pool Noodle Lights

About: We're Mother Daughter Projects, sharing our DIY adventures as we learn to maintain, improve, decorate, and use tech in our homes.

In this project we turned a flower shaped pool noodle into a festive pond light!

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • Pool Noodle—we used a flower shaped one & a standard round one
  • Silver spray paint that is compatible with use on plastic
  • Christmas floral pics
  • Package of Darcie lights/water proof tea lights
  • Serrated knife

Step 2: Using the Serrated Knife, Cut the Pool Noodle Slices About 1” to 1.5”

Step 3: Spray With Silver Spray Paint. Let Dry.

Step 4: Place a Floral Pick Close to the Center of the Hole

Note: the hole in the flower shaped noodle is larger than the immersible light so we cut pieces of the pool noodle & stuck them into the hole to keep the immersible light in place.

The round noodle pieces got floral picks only as the hole on these is too small to fit a light.

That’s it—place them in your pond or pool & enjoy the festive view.

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