Introduction: Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi Matrix Voice and Snips (Part 2)

Update of Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi Matrix Voice and Snips. In this PWM is used for controlling external LED's and Servo motor

All the details given in part 1

Step 1: Matrix Core & Matrix HAL Installation on RPi

1. Add the Matrix repository and key.

curl <a href=""> <a href=""> </a> </a> | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb <a href=""> <a href=""> </a> </a> $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrixlabs.list

Matrix repository for Matrix HAL

curl <a href=""> <a href=""> </a> </a> | sudo apt-key add -echo "deb <a href=""> <a href=""> </a> </a> $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrixlabs.list
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Install the the Matrix Core packages.

sudo apt-get install matrixio-malos
sudo reboot

Install the the MATRIX HAL packages.

sudo apt-get install matrixio-creator-init libmatrixio-creator-hal libmatrixio-creator-hal-dev <br>

Reboot your device.

 sudo reboot

3. To install ZeroMQ

echo "deb <a href=""></a> ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zeromq.list 
wget <a href=""></a> -O- | sudo apt-key add

4. JavaScript setup
Create a node project folder in the home directory of RPi

cd ~/<br>mkdir js-matrix-core-app (whatever name you want) 
cd js-matrix-core-app
 npm init

5. Installing npm Packages for ZMQ and Protocol Buffers

To install the ZMQ and MATRIX Protocol Buffers npm packages. Make sure you are in directory which you created above (name you give). Here I gave it js-matrix-core-app. This allows you to interact with Matrix Core through Node.js.

npm install zeromq --save 
npm install matrix-protos --save<br>

As I am using JavaScript, so to use PWM for external LEDs I am using Matrix lite library. To install it use command shown below make sure you are in same directory which we created while installing Matrix core.

npm install @matrix-io/matrix-lite --save

Step 2: Snips App (update)

1. Create a new slots and give it name whatever you want. Here I am using four slots

  • switch for on, off, open, and close state
  • room for different rooms such as bedroom, bathroom etc
  • device for devices such as light, fan, door etc
  • brightness for setting brightness of light in different rooms.

2. Then give slot type name. Here I am building custom slot type.

  • room slot

Give any name whatever you want. After that add slot values "bathroom", "bedroom", "kitchen", and "main hall" etc.

  • For switch slot Give any name whatever you want.

After that add slot values "on", "off", "open", and "close".

  • Device slot

Give any name whatever you want. After that add slot values "light", "fan", and "door".

  • brightness slot

Give any name whatever you want. After that add slot values 75, 50, 25, 0

3. Close the app, in order to tell the training example which slot is used

  • Double click on Off and On and select slot name(switch).
  • Double click on room name and select slot name(room).

  • Double click on light, fan and select slot name(device).

  • Double click on values(0, 25, 50) and select slot name(brightness).

Then save it and you can test it in window provided right hand side of the page.

4. Then deploy it

Step 3: Required Npm Package

For sending mail install node package

npm install nodemailer 

Npm package for bidirectional event-based communication

 npm install 

Npm package for express

npm install express

If you want to hear the words. You can download this node package.

 npm install say 

Add these lines in program (example)

 const say = require('say') 
 say.speak('Brightness is set to 75');

Step 4: Webpage

I made a page for showing the logs (room, devices, device state, intensity value and date) and gauge showing current intensity value so that I can know which command I used while talking to the snips. Follow the steps giving below for making a webpage.

Note - You can use either Node server or Apache server.

In this project I am using node server as Apache server is slow and it was not able to update data correctly.

Note - If you use code given in this project make sure your all the data is in cd /var/www/html directory or you can change location in the program.

First, to install Apache server using command (Not required)

sudo apt-get install apache2

Apache server is not required if you have node server or Node server Make an empty file name server.js, add program given in program step and save it.

To run server use command

 node server.js

Next, go to the directory cd /var/www/html and make two folders

1. Make a folder name js using command

mkdir js 
cd js // go to the directory 

In /var/www/html/js directory make a file name angular.min.js and paste data from the link

In same directory make another file name gauge.min.js and paste data from the link link

Required files

2. Make a folder name jsonpage using command

mkdir jsonpage
cd jsonpage 

In jsonpage directory make a file name info.js. Make it empty

Note:- Json file will be cleared after 50 voice commands

Step 5: Login Page

For making login page go to the directory cd /var/www/html and make an empty file name index.html. Add program given below

Step 6: Main Page

For making main page go to the directory cd /var/www/html and make an empty file name HA.html (any). Add program given below

For making gauge make a empty file name index.js in cd /var/www/html directory. Program is given below.

Step 7: Assistant

assistant.js for webpage is given below

Once done with all the setup.
Next, Open shell and run

cd js-matrix-core-app 
node assistant.js

Open another shell and run

cd /var/www/html 
node server.js 

Open browser


Step 8: Result

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