Introduction: Home Made Digispark

Digispark is an ATtiny85 based microcontroller development board come with USB interface. Coding is similar to Arduino, and it use the familiar Arduino IDE for development. My digispark will be powered by USB only. Digispark is fully compatible with arduino.


-Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX/Win/Linux)

-Power via USB -6 I/O Pins (2 are used for USB)

-6K Flash Memory after upload bootloader

-I2C and SPI -PWM on 3 pins (more possible with Software PWM)

-ADC on 4 pins

Step 1: Video Tutorial

Step 2: Montage

List elements:

2x 68 Ω

1x 220 Ω

1x 1.5K Ω

1x Diode red

2x Diode Zener 3.3V or 3.6V

1x USB plug

1x Attiny85

1xUniversal PCB

Step 3: ​Upload Bootloader and Driver Installation

Upload bootloader and driver installation

Link to package of files with devices and bootloader

Connect ATTINY85 with programmer

1. Download files

2. Extract

3. You can find the bootloader file at micronucleus-t85-master\firmware\releases\t85_default.hex

4. Upload file t85_default.hex to ATTINY85

5.Set fuse:

Extended: 0xFE

High: 0xDD

Low: 0xE1

6.Install drivers Digistump.Drivers\DPinst64.exe

Step 4: ​Configure Arduino IDE:

Configure Arduino IDE:

Add link in Preferences to “Additional Boards Manager URL”

2. Install library “Digistamp AVR Boards by digistump”

3. Set Board: Digispark (Default – 16.5mhz)

4. Set Programmer :Micronucleus

Step 5: Test Our Digispark

Copy code or open in arduino Examples\Digispark_Examples\Start

Unplug Digispark before upload sketch and click upload. If you see the sentence “plug in device now” plug now your DIGISPARK. Now connect diode LED with pin number 5.

Have Fan :)