Introduction: Home-grown Organic Turmeric and Ginger. Cultiver Le Curcuma Et Gingembre Bio. Crecer La Cúrcuma Y El Jengibre Orgánicos

About: I live in a forest garden by the sea in an old Celtic longhouse in the Baie de Mont Saint Michel, France, which I share with Andy and our poultry. Before I escaped and became a happy peasant, I had three jobs …
Sharing an easy method of starting both these plants in water, something I experimented with last year and am continuing with this. A technique, which allowed us to get a longer growing season and actually taste our first home-grown organic ginger! Turmeric and Ginger are wonderful plants both for use in cookery and medicine. Even in a Northern climate we can grow them in containers and keep the plants from year to year.

Je partage une méthode de démarrage de ces deux plantes dans l'eau.  Une technique, qui nous a permis d'obtenir une saison de croissance plus longue et de déguster notre première gingembre bio maison!
Comparto un método para iniciar la cúrcuma y el jengibre orgánico en el agua. Una técnica que nos permitió obtener una temporada de crecimiento más larga, y disfrutar de nuestra primera jengibre orgánico de nuestro jardín!