Introduction: Homemade Energy Balls

Here is a recipe that I found to be super simple, and the outcome is quite delicious!


1/4 cup creamy peanut butter

1/2 cup flax seed-grounded

1/3 cup honey

1 cup oatmeal flakes

1/2 cup milk chocolate chips

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Step 1: Combine All Ingredients Listed Into Large Mixing Bowl

You can also try adding more peanut butter or honey if you like a sweeter flavor.

Step 2: Mix Until Texture Is Proportional

Mix for 2 minutes, or until mixture is even & sticky, for you will want the mixture to form into balls well.

Step 3: Form 1 Inch Balls

Start with a spoonful, about 1 inch or so, roll mixture into balls, place on a non-greased cookie sheet. Will make 12 energy balls.

Step 4: Chill in Freezer

Place balls into freezer for approximately 45 minutes, until mixture is firm, and enjoy!