Introduction: Homemade Hydro Electric Power Source
We have made a hydroelectric power source and you can make one with materials very easy to get!
the materials you need are 2 big rocks 7 popsicle sticks a hot glue gun a thick wood board tinfoil three volt dc motor.
Step 1: Gluing the Base
Take the two big rocks and tinfoil take about one and a half foot long sheet of tinfoil put the rocks one one on each side and leave some tinfoil to cover the rocks also leave a little space in the middle for the board to go in. then glue the rocks on and fold the rest of the tinfoil over the rocks and glue the tinfoil on the rocks and there is the base.
Step 2: Getting the Board In
take the big fat board and the base that you just made and put hot glue in the hole in the base and put the board in the hole and hold it until the glue is dry.
Step 3: Attaching the Motor
put hot glue on the top of the board and attach the motor on the red side and then you have the motor attached.
Step 4: Putting the Spinner on the Motor
snap the popscile sticks in half. first put a big glob of hot glue on the steel rod of the motor and then put all of the popsicle sticks on the glue before it dries and then wait for the glue to dry and you have the spinner. Be sure not to get hot glue in the motor, or it will not spin.
Step 5: Working the Dam
Put it on a table sideways and pour water on it and watch it go! you have a working hydropower dam.