Introduction: Old-Fashioned Apple Drink

In this tutorial I will tell you my secret Apple Drink recipe. Anyone can enjoy it, adults can add Alcohol to it to enhance the flavor.

Step 1: Supplies

1 Large Pot
1 Pack of Cinnamon Sticks
2 64 oz of Apple Juice
(Optional) Mason Jars

Step 2: Mixing

Measure out the apple juice in the Mason Jars (About 4 cups), for each one put a 1/2 cup of sugar and one cinnamon stick in the pot. One 64 oz jug of Apple juice makes about 10 cups so I use 2 jugs. Once it is put all in, put the pot on the stove at a high heat and stir until it's starts boiling and there is no visible sugar.

Step 3: Boiling

Once it reaches a boil lower the heat slightly and put the lid on. Allow to simmer for about an hour.

Step 4: Serving

Once done simmering you can put them in Mason Jars and can it or allow it to cool and put in a big jar to serve to multiple people.