Introduction: Do-It-Yourself, 3D Printed Coffee Thermos

About: I am Sammy, passionate in 3D Modeling.
  • Have you been longing to learn how to create your own thermocup? Like the one shown above? Well, maybe you have that desire but you don't have any prior knowledge of any CAD program.
  • But in this instructable, we are going to learn how to create our own thermocup using an easy to use CAD program called SelfCAD. The steps are easy to follow as described below.

Step 1: Making the Nut and the Cylinder

  • Select the Nut generator tool in the create section.Set the pitch, which determines the height of the object to 3.
  • Don't change the segments, leave it at 150. This determines the number of rotation and smoothness.Set the Pitch to 1.
  • This determines the size of the screw.Set the tip segments to 16. This determines the smoothness of the endpoints.Set the outside edges to 26 and click finalize the shape.
  • Turn on fine polygon tool to select all the polygons in the cycle. Select scale tool and set the X and Y axis to 80.

Step 2: Creating the Screw

Select screw generator from create section and use the same details as before and click finalize.Click on cylinder and use the same height and radius and adjust it according to the size of nut then finalize.Subtract the cylinder from the screw using the boolean difference tool.

Step 3: Creating the Cup of the Thermos

Add a cylinder and the height and vertical segment to 60 and 26 respectively.Scale the cylinder and rotate it, then scale it down a little and remove the top polygon.You can do this by selecting it using the polygon selection tool and click Delete.Select the resolution tool in order to prepare the model for further transformation.Select Add Volume and set the thickness to 8. Click apply.Adjust the size according to the screw, position the screw and shape the cup using resolution, fine polygon, scale and move tools.Using the boolean union, connect the screw to the cup.

Step 4: Creating the Actual Thermos

Take a cylinder and transform it similar to the cup, that is, by setting the height to 120 and vertical segment to 26 then finalize it.Select the polygons on the top and delete them.Use the cup as a reference to make sure the two fit at the end. Use the wiremesh mode to ensure you have done an accurate job.Using the fine polygon, scale and twist tools, shape the thermos. (check the video to learn how this is done)Scale down the cup using the cube selection tool, make sure the exact selection is turned on.

Step 5: Creating the Handle of the Thermos.

  • Select theSpline drawing tool from the create section.
  • Set the size and edges to 16 and 8 respectively while the local axis is turned on.
  • Using the move, scale and rotate tools and taper, position the handle and reshape it as needed.
  • After creating the arm, connect the objects using the boolean union tool or you can simply group them and everything will be ready now.Go to file, then print to print your model.