Introduction: Homemade Tint Glaze for Aluminum Can Crafts

About: Very playful and fun loving - young for my age. Live life to the fullest.
After watching several videos on how to make Soda Can crafts I noticed that most of them used either Alcohol ink or permanent markers to color their work.  I found that the permanent markers tend to dry out quickly and they also had a problem of the color coming back off if you go over an area that already has color on it.  I also wondered just how durable the ink would be outside in the weather.  I came up with and idea of how to make a durable color glaze that you could mix to your liking of color and depth and that would allow that metallic look of the aluminum to show through.  These are the things that I will show you to use in the following video. 

1. Rust-oleum Ultimate polyurethane, soap and water clean-up, Gloss
2. Food Coloring or gel water colors in the tubes
3. small cup to mix the glaze in.
4. disposable spoon or and old one you don't use to cook with.
5. craft stick to stir with.
6. inexpensive soft bristle paint brush.
7. small empty bottle with secure lid to store the glaze in.
8. Krylon Matte Finish permanent protective finish - or store brand clear acrylic Matte finish spray.
9. paper towels to protect area and to wipe off brushes with
10. cup of water to rinse brushes etc. with. 
11. your Aluminum can craft project to be painted.

This glaze is soap and water clean-up so you can re-use your equipment after washing it.