Introduction: Hospital Trolley Robot

About: Pursuing my studies in Mechanical Engineerng Btech

The Covid-19 Pandemic has hit the world worslty for almost an year and the cases are increasing alarmingly day by day.Our medical sysems are trying hard to control this pandemic but many of our health workers are too under the attack of this virus. So as a prevetive measure, we havemade a remote controlled hospital trolley robot, which can be used to deliver food and medicines to the patients, thus reducing the no. of times of direct contact of health workers with the patients.One of the main advantagesis that all the trays are removable so that we can remove it and sanitize after each use.

This robot is completely fabricated using 10mm Square Aluminium Tubes and Right angled plates, along with hylum sheet as platform and Mica for side walls. All the joints are revt joints hence it is easy to manufacture. Any one with a basic DIY skills can try this and contibute to the nearby hospital.


10mm Aluminium Suare tubes - 4 Full lenth

10mm right angled aluminum channel - 1 full length (there are cut to 10m lenth and drilled to revet the pieces together at joints.)

3mm Pop Revets

12V Battery

100rpm Geared Motors x 4

4" 100mm Robotic Wheels x 4

Motor Clamps x 4

Plastic trays 40x29x5 cm x4

Transmitter and receiver (I am using Flyski Fsi6s and FsIa6b, and standard model is appreciable)

Viper 35A Smart motor driver (Smart motor drivers enables us to connect the receiver directly to the driver)

1 SPDT Switch

Tools Required

1. Drill Driver with 4mm bit

2. Angle Cutter

3. Revet Gun

4. Screwdriver

5. Wire Stripper

Step 1: Fabricating the Frame

The robot is 110cm high, 42 cm long and 32 cm wide. So the aluminium square tube is cutted in the given dimensions and reveted.

4 x 110 cm long ptubes

10 x 42 cm long tubes

10x 32 cm long tubes.

( I have taken this measurements in sucha a way that the my trays sits correctly inside it. Kindly adjust the measurements according to your requirements and available tray sizes. )

The sides are also arranged in such a way that I can remove each tray easily without disturbing the another. In my robot the top 2 rows are seprated by a distance of 20cms each.

The right angled channel is cut at 10mm length and rivetted at each joint .

Step 2: Adding the Platform and Side Walls

The platform is made up of Hylum Sheet (I used an old piece left in the home) and the side walls are built with mics sheets to cover the electronics part. These were also attached using rivets

Step 3: The Electronics Part

The Smart motor driver had made the electronics part much easier. You didnt have to worry about codes and all. The driver is a plug and play type. You just need to plug the receiver and connect the batteryand motor wires. hardly 4 set of connections make your bot ready to go. I haveattached a power switch to turn the bot on from outisde. The entire electronics are packed in a plastic box and fixed at the platform.

A warning light is fixed in front of the robot so that it will be easily noticeable. All are simple connections so I am not going to confusewith moreexplanations. The figures itself will help you understand everything.

Step 4: The Demo

The bot is powered and ready to go. I request everyone to have a try. I have connected the RC since i had one. You can control thisbot using your phone with the help of a nodemcu and any common motor driver. Am attaching the code for the same.

For any further doubts or clarification fell free to email me on

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