Introduction: Hot Coffee Milk

About: I like to tinker and experiment with electronics, robotics, programming, and photography. Along with my latest interest in Steampunk.
Warm up with a richer, smoother coffee on that cold day by using all milk instead of water. I got this idea from a plumber who helped us with our drains.

Step 1: Fill Your Cup With Milk

Get out your favorite coffee cup and fill it up with milk instead of water.

Step 2: Heat in Microwave

Place the cup of milk in the microwave for about 1 minute 45 sec. Make it good and hot!

Step 3: Add the Instant Coffee

Put in a good heaping teaspoon of your favorite instant coffee.

Step 4: Add Sugar

Add a good heaping teaspoon of sugar. You can substitute brown sugar for a heartier taste.

Step 5: Add Cinnamon

Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for that extra touch of taste. Or top with marshmallows, whipped cream. Its a good hearty drink supplying energy for challenging that cold day outside.
Stay Warm Contest

Participated in the
Stay Warm Contest