Introduction: Hot Dog Prank

About: Hi! My name is Natalie! I have an awesome husband that lets me be a Play-at-home mom of 3! We homeschool and do projects daily! Check out my blog Doodlecraft for more awesomeness!

Hot Dog Prank!

Perfectly harmless prank for April Fool's Day!

I love doing April Fool's Day "food pranks" on my family.
First, they are harmless and good for a laugh.

Second, it's my daughter's birthday, so I like to keep it tame and about her...but she likes to make people laugh, so it's good for her to get a prank too!

Step 1: Supplies!

So, these can be Vegan dogs...but perfect for tricking kids!

You will need:



1/4 cup soy sauce

1/2 cup water

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 Tablespoon rice vinegar

1/2 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar

few shakes of pepper and garlic powder

Step 2: Peel and Cut

First, peel and cut big carrots to the same shape and length as hot dogs.

Use a knife to cut a star pattern on the ends too...

Boil in water for 5 minutes.
Quickly remove them and put in cold water to cease cooking.

Add them to your mixed up marinade in a plastic container.

Put carrots in the marinade...completely submersed overnight in the fridge.
(This marinade will turn them brown, so make sure they are submerged completely)

Overnight is best...but even 4 hours is great!

Step 3: Grill and Sautee!

Next day, grill them up to give them some grill lines...just a few minutes. (optional)

Then add them to a frying pan with 1/2 cup of the marinade and cook until browned.

They look like any other hot dog I've ever cooked!
They have about the same texture as a hot dog.

They taste salty and a little "meaty"...

Step 4: Add the Works!

Now just add the fixings you want!
Presentation is everything!!!

We even did this same technique and roasted the carrots on the fire.

They are awesome for a low calorie version!

Check out my blog Doodlecraft for more awesome ideas!

Please vote for me in the Pranks contest!