Introduction: How I Make a Pizza

About: I was born in 1976 in the town of Atascadero, California, which translates to "mud hole." It's an apt description, believe me. It was after moving to Colorado that I got interested in the sciences, and in musi…

Hello, all! I made this nifty video demonstrating how I make a pizza. I hope you enjoy it!

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you might have in the comments section. Thank you for watching.

The music is "Burning Bandstands" by Matt Stevens, and is used here with his permission.

Additional Information

Some folks have been requesting some additional details of my process. I'll do my best to fill in some blanks here.

The ingredients list is simple enough:

1 Cup Water
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tsp Salt
1.5 Tsp Yeast (although as you can see, I really don't measure anything)
Enough bread flour to make a stiff dough.
Notice there's no oil listed here. I don't like oil in my pizza doughs.

The twenty-minute rest before kneading has to do with hydrolization, which basically means you're giving the flour a chance to soak up some of the water. It makes kneading the dough easier.

The kneading is well-explained by the video, so I'll not elaborate more on that.

Forming the pizza after the dough is risen is really the big pain in the rear, since the dough is pretty springy and wants to keep its shape. You just have to keep working at it, dusting with more flour as needed, until it cooperates and takes the shape you want. It took me about two minutes to shape the dough, which I only showed a few seconds of in the video.

Beyond that, have fun with it! Toppings are completely up to you. I like to oil the dough before saucing so the water in the sauce doesn't soak into the crust during cooking, and to add more flavor (I use extra-virgin olive oil). As for the sauce, I'll present that in a future Instructable. Thank you!