Introduction: How to Enjoy a Plum

About: Neighborhood Fruit helps people find and share fruit locally, both backyard bounty and abundance on public lands. 10,000 trees nationwide and counting! Join us in creating a future where the food we eat is tru…
An old song says "The best things in life are free.." and we tend to agree. One of the life's best simple pleasures is eating a ripe plum, fresh off the tree. This Instructable will teach you how to how to do just that! Try it out, it's not as complicated as it looks!

Step 1: Locate Plums

If you know of plum tree in your neighborhood, you may skip this step. Otherwise, locate plum tress in your neighborhood by going to Public Trees Map at the Neighborhood Fruit website. Put your zipcode and distance (ex. 94110 and 1) and search. Take note of the tree addresses and get ready for your adventure!

Step 2: Find a Ripe Plum Tree

Ride your bike to your destination. The easiest way to locate the tree is to look for fruit on the sidewalks! Plum trees start to bear fruit in late June. Once you spot the purple stains on the sidewalk, look up! Looking for ripe plums is like seeing fish underwater. You have to see without seeing.

Step 3: Pick the Tree

Because cherry plums are so small, it is often a good idea to line the picker basket with a plastic bag.

Step 4: Wipe and Bite

Take the darkest, lushest looking plum out of your basket, wipe it on your jeans and bite into it.

Step 5: Take a Second Bite

Take a second bite. Enjoy that divine tart sweetness!

Step 6: Pop the Whole Plum

If there is anything left by this point, finish it!

Step 7: Masticate!

Chew wildly!

Step 8: Remove the Pit

Remove the pit and save for planting/composting. Repeat as needed.

Step 9: (Optional) Register a Tree

Do you know of trees on public land that aren't showing up on the Public Tree Map? Please register it so that others can enjoy it too!
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