Introduction: How to Grow a Vertical Lima & Green Bean Vegetable Garden

About: I'm just finishing up building my wood fired pizza bus. I may make an instructable on how I built it later. Opening Fall 2023, hopefully...
In this Instructable, I will show you how to make a vertical green bean garden.  I came up with the idea when I was weeding out my beans in my garden.  I thought to myself,  There has to be a better way to grow vegetables than tilling and weeding year after year, week after week.  So I browsed the internet looking for any type of vertical garden.  I couldn't find anything that my mind was thinking about.  I done some research, took notes, and came up with this Instructable.  Eventually, I would like to try more vertical veggie gardens and I will post them as I create them.

Step 1: Prepping the Soil for a Vertical Green Bean Garden

First, you need some fencing.  I made my fence 8 inches round.  I used a black contractors bag to put inside the fence.  Filling the whole bag with soil would be pretty heavy so I got a 4 inch PVC pipe about 2 ft. long and put in the middle.  I then crumbled up a bunch of newspaper and stuffed the paper into the PVC pipe.  Just make sure that the PVC pipe is in the center of the bag.  Once the newspaper is stuffed and packed in the PVC pipe, I began to fill the outside of the PVC pipe up with a topsoil and Miracle Gro mix.  Once the soil is even with the top of the PVC pipe,  I took the PVC pipe out of the bag by using a stick to push the newspaper down as I pulled the PVC pipe out.  The soil on the sides will fall and surround the newspaper.  That way my vertical garden is lighter and the newspaper acts as a drainage system as well.

Step 2: Transplanting the Green Beans Into the Vertical Garden

I started at the bottom when transplanting the bean plants.  I just cut a hole into the bag and stuck my finger into the soil to make room for the roots.  I have about 25 Lima Bean plants on the bottom and about 30 Green Bean plants on the top.  Just have patience when putting into the vertical garden.  When punching holes into the bag, it can get messy with the dirt wanting to spill out.  Once the plants are all in,  add water at the top of the garden... SLOWLY!!!  If you add the water to fast,  the water will come out of the holes and take your plants with it.  To me, I feel that growing a vertical garden is a lot easier than tilling the ground up and weeding every week.  I haven't had to pull one weed out.  The first pic was the day after I transplanted.  The last picture was 15 days later.  I had no plants die from transplanting.  For my first vertical garden I think it turned out GREAT!!!  Thanks for looking.
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