Introduction: How to Make a Cool Kitchen
Step 1: Counter and Window
First start by putting any block the looks best with you house. ( mine is outside cause I didn't feel like making a house) it doesn't matter what size the counter will be just do what fits your kitchen. I choose some stone blocks. Then after it will look like a "u". Then put glass over the blocks. After make a second row of stone or whatever block you choose. So when u finish these steps it looks like it does in the picture.
Step 2: Top and Detailed
Next: put the same block over the glass like it shows in the picture. Then put two or how many furnaces in the middle of the counter and some chest are recommended but it's your choice.
Step 3: More Details
After: some trap doors look like shelves so you put them above the counter and tada!
Step 4: Makin' Things Look Cool!
Add a table! It's really easy and looks even better all you need to do is get fence and slabs and stairs. Make the fence pieces one block apart and put slabs on them.
Step 5: Tada!!
After it should look like this! And your done! Feel free to add more things to make it look cooler and tell me in comments! Thanks