Introduction: How to Make a Solar Oven

Many people rely on electricity or gas, but have you ever thought about using the power of the sun to cook?  
  -Here is a green, eco-friendly idea.

Step 1:

How to...
     -Cardboard box (any kind will do)
     -Plastic wrap
     -Aluminum foil

Step 2:

Step 1...
   -Cut an opening on your box.
   -Fold the flap back.

Step 3:

Step 2...
   Insert a piece of aluminum foil and place it on the bottom of your box.
          (This will help to quickly heat your oven.)

Step 4:

Step 3...
   Wrap the flap of your box with aluminum foil.
        ( This will reflect sunlight into your oven.)

Step 5:

Step 4...
   Tape a piece of plastic wrap tightly over the opening you cut.
            (This will trap the heat in your oven.)

Step 6:

Step 5...
   Now it is time to cook!
      -Open the top of your box to put food in your oven.
      -Position it outside facing the sun.
      -Wait for your food to cook.

Step 7:

Step 6...
   Remove your food from oven and enjoy!

Step 8:

What I learned...
    1.) I made a solar oven that makes cooking easy and Eco-friendly for everyone.  It is very simple and only uses a recycled box, plastic                           wrap, aluminum foil, scissors, and tape.
     2.) I have always wanted to do something that would benefit the environment.  I love recycling and believe there is a huge realm of possibility in the use of solar power.  Therefore, I worked on my own and created this project.
     3.) I made my solar oven at home.  However, I also made another at camp when I shared my idea with several campers.
     4.) At first I struggled with finding how to insert the food after I taped the plastic wrap over my Opening.  I learned on my second build to leave the pre-made opening on the top of the box uncovered because it works great as an oven door.  I am very proud of my unique idea and want to share it with others.  It is fun, Eco-friendly, cool, and creates tasty treats!
Make-to-Learn Youth Contest

Participated in the
Make-to-Learn Youth Contest

Jury Rig It! Contest

Participated in the
Jury Rig It! Contest