Introduction: How to Make the UltraSabre Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast, long range and simple, the UltraSabre is a capable paper airplane simpler than most similarly able aircraft. The UltraSabre was designed to complement other types, such as those of the StratoEagle and Vulcan families, with a less complicated aircraft.

The development of the UltraSabre was begun as something of a challenge for myself to improve and modernize the Super Sabre. The Super Sabre, or "classic dart" as it is more commonly known, is one of the simplest and most ubiquitous paper airplane designs in the world. Over the years, however, its obsolescence has been made abundantly clear. With that in mind, I decided to use this outdated aircraft as the basis for a design that is competitive with much newer, more capable paper airplanes. Drawing off successful configuration shapes developed for other aircraft, I used that knowledge to shape the UltraSabre. Testing of the aircraft was successful and although trimmable elevators were shown to be needed, the aircraft proved itself easily worthy of publication.

TAA USAF Designation: F303-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper

Step 2: Length and Corner Folding

Fold your paper in half along its length. Then pull the corners into the center. After this is done, pull the creases in toward the center.

Step 3: Nose Folding

Lay the paper out flat, then pull the nose backward to the trailing edge. Make a mark 1 inch back from the crease, then pull the nose forward, creasing at the mark. Once you have made this crease, unfold it. Then fold the corners down as shown. Pull the nose back forward as shown. Measure 3.375 inches back from the tip of the nose and make a mark. Pull the nose back to this mark, and then make a crease once the marked has been reached.

Step 4: Wing and Winglet Folding

Fold the airframe in half. Measure 0.75 inches up from the center crease and from the wingtips along the trailing edge. Fold the wings down, then fold the winglets down. Measure 1 inch from the wing root along the trailing edge and make a mark. From that mark, measure a further 0.75 inches and make a mark. From each of these marks, measure 0.375 inches inward. Then cut along these lines.

Step 5: Taping

Apply tape to the nose, wing-LERX joints, rear wing root and fuselage trailing edge as specified in the photographs. This will complete your UltraSabre.

Step 6: Flight

The UltraSabre flies similarly to other paper airplanes of comparable configuration. Those with experience flying the Vulcan, Viper or Mentor should find transitioning to the UltraSabre easy. Launches should be done at negative or neutral attitudes at moderate to high speed, (depending on the set elevator deflection). For faster flights, reduce deflection to less than 20 degrees. For slower flights, keep deflection of roughly 25-45 degrees and reduce launch speed accordingly. Additional applicable surfaces include ailerons, slats, flaps, air brakes and rudders. Enjoy!