Introduction: How to Make the Venom Paper Airplane
Fast and long-range, the Venom is a dart paper airplane developed to give origami aviators an angular interceptor that looks like an alien starship.
During my hiatus in late 2020 to mid-2021, the Venom and many other new prototype aircraft were developed from the highly popular Vulcanfamily. In line with the popularity of similarly geared Hunter, I decided to develop a new Vulcan derivative with a reworked wing. The Venom, with its prominent "shoulder" spars was one of the designs that resulted from this effort.
When tested, the Venom performed well and was the design selected to be my entry to the 2021 Make It Fly contest.
TAA USAF Designation: F573-1
Step 1: Materials
1 Piece of 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper
Scissors (for additional surfaces only)
Step 2: Length and Nose Folding
Fold your paper in half length-wise. Then pull the paper down so that the crease stretches from the fold at the front you just made and the corner of the paper on the other side. Repeat on the other side. (Photographs 1 to 5)
Pull the edge of this layer back toward the crease on each side and then open these folds. Fold the edges into the creases as shown, the pull the creases of these corner folds into themselves as shown. (Photographs 6 to 11)
Step 3: Canard Folding
Fold the previous folds along the existing creases as shown, then pull the overhanging paper back away from the center crease. Repeat on the other side. (Photographs 1 to 4)
Pull the tip of the nose back until its tips meet the apex of the diamond; then tuck the edges of the paper underneath the other layers as shown. (Photographs 5 to 7)
Step 4: Wing Folding
Pull the blunt tip of the paper down to the trailing edge of the paper to make a new lengthwise half crease. Once this has been done, unfold. (Photographs 1 to 2)
Fold the paper up along the length fold you made originally so that the paper appears as it does in the fourth photograph. Fold the tips of the paper down between the lengthwise half crease and the rear edge of the original length fold as shown. (Photographs 3 to 6)
Once you have done this on both sides, pull the tips outward again until the forward edges sit above the lower layers on each side as shown in the eight and tenth photographs. After doing this, unfold along the center crease. (Photographs 7 to 11)
Step 5: Nose and Spar Folding
Pull the blunt edge of the paper down to the rear edge along the lengthwise half crease you made previously. After doing this, pull the paper forward again until the edges of this part sit above the leading edges of the layers below. (Photographs 1 to 2)
Fold the entire forward part of the paper behind the shown area along the existent half crease and then fold the outer edges in toward this crease as shown. Once this is done, allow the forward edge of the paper to sit over top of the lower layers again and flip the paper over. (Photographs 3 to 6)
Step 6: Canard and Winglet Folding
Fold down the canards on both sides whilst keeping their leading edges aligned with the nose to maintain an angle of incidence of zero degrees. (Photographs 1 to 4)
From the length fold, find the point that measures 1 inch and make a mark at the front and back edges as shown. (Photographs 5 to 6)
Along the leading edge of the outer wingtip, measure 1.5 inches from the tip and make a mark. Along the trailing edge of the outer wingtip, measure 1 inch from the tip and make a mark. Fold to connect these two marks and then use the folded wingtip as a guide form the other side. (Photographs 7 to 11)
Step 7: Wing and Tail Folding
Fold the wings down between the marks you made on the previous step and repeat on the other side. (Photographs 1 to 3)
With the wings folding, make the tail by folding the tail between the nose folds and the wing fold crease at the rear edge as shown. Once this is done, unfold. You will now fold the tail in the fuselage (by reversing the direction of the creasing on one side). (Photographs 4 to 7)
When folded correctly, the paper should appear as shown. (Photograph 8)
Step 8: Taping
Apply tape in the places and order designated in the photographs to complete the airplane.
Step 9: Flight
The Venom flies similar to most other dart paper airplanes, particularly the Vulcan series and derivatives of it.
Launches should be made at moderate to high speeds at neutral or positive attitude. Additional applicable surfaces include flaps, elevators, ailerons, rudders and air brakes.