Introduction: How to Make Throwing Knifes

About: I am a creator and am a ghost and scorpion pepper grower and also like to invent complicated ways for things to get done for no reason what so ever

Step 1: Knife Design

Draw out some knife designs on paper and cut them out (I suggest not to make them to complicated if you have never made knifes before) but if you have go right ahead theres nothing stoping you then cut out as many knifes a you want

Step 2: Cutting Them Out

Cut all the knife designs out (they don't have to be perfect because your just going to cut them up) but it does help then glue the knife designs onto the metal of your choice then cut them out the easiest way you can and for me it's a jig saw. After you cut them out put them on the grinder or use a file and sharpen them then your done
Metal Contest

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Metal Contest

Epilog Challenge VI

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Epilog Challenge VI

Great Outdoors Contest

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Great Outdoors Contest