Introduction: How To: PiktoChart

Ever wanted to create an eye-catching poster, flyer, social media post, or a way to make your lab data pop? Piktochart is a great web-based tool that does just that. You can either customize a template that has been created or you can create your own template. Piktochart is a great and easy-to-use tool to add life to anything that you could have created using Word.

Step 1: Step 1: Create Your Account

To being, go to

In the top-right hand corner of the screen, create your own account. After entering in your email and password, be sure to activate your account by following the instructions sent to you in your email.

Step 2: Step 2: Deciding Your Project

The next step is to decide on the type of project that you are trying to create.

An Infographic is a creation that brings a visual representation to your data. This data can be your own that you have collected, or from an outside source (be sure to cite your source of data). These types of data can include: a record of temperatures over the span of decades, the correlation between attendance and student achievement, the amount, how fast does a plant grown with different types of fertilizers, etc.

A Presentation is just that, a presentation of information on a given topic. These templates allow you to be more creative than other highly used tools.

A Poster is a visual representation to summarize the information for a presentation or research opportunity. You can create posters to communicate information on a Science Fair Project.

A Report is a great way to add visual appeal to a boring report. You can use the report tool when completing a book report on your summer reading projects or explaining the process of the lab that you completed in Chemistry.

A Flyer is a great way to easily create an announcement for a club meeting, bake sale, dance, a fundraising opportunity, or ACT tutoring classes. They allow you to add all of the key details without losing the visual appeal.

Social Media can be used to help you create a professional social media post to communicate the important details to your audience.

Step 3: Step 3: Organelle Help Wanted Social Media Post

For this assignment, you will be creating a social media post on behalf of the organelle of your choice. This post is a help wanted ad for workers that are needed to work within the said organelle. The post should include the name and function of the organelle, job description (what would the worker be responsible for), what other organelles would employees work with, and where the applicant should send their resume to. Make your post interesting and eye-catching.

Step 4: Features Within Your Creation: Graphics

Piktochart has several different features that will help you make your creation very unique.

Under Graphics, you will find Lines, Pictures, Illustrations, Picture Frames. These tools can be used to add stock visuals to your Social Media Post.

Step 5: Features Within Your Creation: Design Components

Design Components can be used to incorporate lists, timelines, or comparisons to your social media post. This is a great tool to use for the job responsibilities portion of the post.

Step 6: Features Within Your Creation: Uploads

Unlike Graphics, under the Uploads tool, you can add your own pictures to the social media post or project at hand.

Step 7: Features Within Your Creation: Background

You can manipulate the Background of your post to make it more appealing to your audience. Be sure not to have the background distract the audience from the information of the project.

Step 8: Features Within Your Creation: Text

Using the text feature, you can determine the color, boldness, and text frame for the information that you are including in the social media post or project. Make sure that the text is big enough to read but not too big.

Step 9: Features Within Your Creation: Color Scheme

Want to see what colors work well with each other?

Using the Color Scheme tool does just that. Click through the different schemes and pick one that speaks to you and adds to the personality of the social media post or project.

Step 10: Features Within Your Creation: Tools

Finally, under the Tools, you can add maps, videos, or charts to your social media post to help bring the post to life.

Step 11: Finally, Put It All Together

Let's put it all together and watch this tutorial video on how to manipulate a template to fit your style and message.