Introduction: How to Style: Twilight Sparkle

About: Hello! After being dormant for years i've decided to use this account again.
Me again! Today I show u how to style Twilight Sparkle! Instead of this, go watch derpyderp10 's video on it, cause that's how I'm going to do this!

Step 1: Shiny Hair

If you have seen my first instrustable, or derpyderp's video, you will know how to do this step.

Step 2: Smoothing Out the Mane

Now you need to smooth out the mane. Now it's time for the next step.

Step 3: Parting the Hair

Now you part the hair as shown. Then hold it in with a rubber band. Heh heh, rubber band.

Step 4: Putting It in Place

Then you put the hair near the front of the pony around the horn as shown. Then do all that other stuff. Don't forget to twist it like I did!

Step 5: Then Your Done!

Then your done! You can then curl it a bit, fix the placing of the hair, and maybe a put a little purple pony princess crown on her :)