Introduction: How to Boost Your Oral Braun Dental Floss

In the past days (1985), the Braun Dental Floss used to be much more powerful.

I just bought a new one and it's really weak...

Here is a tutorial to easily dismantle your equipment and let him give you an extra boost:

we will just increase the travel of the rotary command button :-)

ta daaa!




Step 1: Supplies

  • extra small screwdriver with torx bits
  • small saw

Step 2: Step 1: Open the Device

unscrew all the screws

pry open at the place shown on the picture

Step 3: Have a Look Inside!

if you're curious or if you have a problem with your oralB: here is the inside!

Step 4: Remove the Rotary Button

you can see that the button is clipsed

the black part is the potentiometer: it can go way farther than the button

hence it could give more electrical power to the motor ;-)

Step 5: Modify the Button Notch

Action: increase the notch up to this position (between 3 and 4)

You've just freed your oralB power! congrats